2024/4/23 15:15:36

sqlzoo--select basics,select from world

sqlzoo–select basics,select from world sqlzoo–select from nobel ,select in select sqlzoo–sum and count sqlzoo–the join operation sqlzoo–More JOIN operations sqlzoo–using null sqlzoo–self join select basics world表格: namecontinentareapopul…

sqlzoo--select from nobel ,select in select

sqlzoo–select basics,select from world sqlzoo–select from nobel ,select in select sqlzoo–sum and count sqlzoo–the join operation sqlzoo–More JOIN operations sqlzoo–using null sqlzoo–self join select from nobel select from nobel 字段&#xf…

sqlzoo--More JOIN operations

sqlzoo–select basics,select from world sqlzoo–select from nobel ,select in select sqlzoo–sum and count sqlzoo–the join operation sqlzoo–More JOIN operations sqlzoo–using null sqlzoo–self join More JOIN operations movie电影(id编号…

SQLZOO答案之【More JOIN operations】

1. 列出1962年首影的電影, [顯示 id, title] SELECT id, titleFROM movieWHERE yr1962;2. 電影大國民 ‘Citizen Kane’ 的首影年份。 SELECT yr FROM movie WHERE title Citizen Kane3. 列出全部Star Trek星空奇遇記系列的電影,包括id, title 和 y…

SQLZOO答案之【The JOIN operation】

1. 第一個例子列出球員姓氏為’Bender’的入球數據。 * 表示列出表格的全部欄位,簡化了寫matchid, teamid, player, gtime語句。修改此SQL以列出 賽事編號matchid 和球員名 player ,該球員代表德國隊Germany入球的。要找出德國隊球員,要檢查: teamid ‘…

sqlzoo--using null

sqlzoo–select basics,select from world sqlzoo–select from nobel ,select in select sqlzoo–sum and count sqlzoo–the join operation sqlzoo–More JOIN operations sqlzoo–using null sqlzoo–self join sqlzoo–using null table:teacher教师 id編號dept…


1. 展示世界的總人口。 SELECT SUM(population) FROM world;2. 列出所有的洲份, 每個只有一次。 SELECT DISTINCT continent FROM world;3. 找出非洲(Africa)的GDP總和。 SELECT SUM(gdp) FROM world WHERE continent Africa;4. 有多少個國家具有至少百萬(1000000)的面積。…

sqlzoo--sum and count

sqlzoo–select basics,select from world sqlzoo–select from nobel ,select in select sqlzoo–sum and count sqlzoo–the join operation sqlzoo–More JOIN operations sqlzoo–using null sqlzoo–self join SUM and COUNT namecontinentareapopulationgdpAfgh…


1. 觀察運行一個簡單的SQL命令的結果。 SELECT name, continent, population FROM world;2. 顯示具有至少2億人口的國家名稱。 2億是200000000,有八個零。 SELECT name FROM world WHERE population>200000000;3. 找出有至少200百萬(2億)人口的國家名稱&#x…


1. 列出每個國家的名字 name,當中人口 population 是高於俄羅斯’Russia’的人口。 SELECT name FROM worldWHERE population >(SELECT population FROM worldWHERE nameRussia);2. 列出歐州每國家的人均GDP,當中人均GDP要高於英國’United Kingdom’…

sqlzoo--the join operation

sqlzoo–select basics,select from world sqlzoo–select from nobel ,select in select sqlzoo–sum and count sqlzoo–the join operation sqlzoo–More JOIN operations sqlzoo–using null sqlzoo–self join The JOIN operation TABLE game: id(編號)mdate(日…

